

I'm going to let you in on a little secret: I was in the original cast of the first season of Survivor. When the rest of the cast found out they would be competing against a real live Redheel, they mutinied and I was cast off before the show even started. I was too much of a threat--they must have realized that the competition wouldn't have even been fair. Despite all that, I have remained a loyal fan. Last night was the season finale of "Fans vs. Favorites" and I was disappointed my favorite (The Ice-Cream Scooper) didn't win--but it sure was an exciting season.
I'm going to miss next season, because I'll be out making my own Survivor--umm... sans the major TV studio, expensive cameras, medical crew, and porcelain veneered host. But really, who needs Jeff Probst when you have Rockford Bernstein?

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